
Location: NH

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Being more serious...

I need to get back to our purpose (Having too much fun playing with the blog? But if we're not having fun are we doing what we ought to be doing?)

So, What IS literacy in the digital age? While I agree that the early emphasis on well-balanced programs based on research are essential, and the provisions of NCLB to some extent ensure that we don't offload groups of kids to some downward spiral of diminishing returns, is there a point at which print-based comprehension tests ought to be replaced by some other measure in determining literacy AYP, at least for the truly dyslexic (ie those who have limited positive RTI)?...

On a related theme, What are participants' experience re: retention policies/ required graduation-exit exams?

Experimenting with pictures

This is me on the Isle of Palms just before a CEC/DLD conference in Charleston last fall... I had a more professional looking pciture that I tried to download from my school's website (, but I couldn't seem to get it onto my blog. This one is more fun, anyway. I'll also try to add a shot from one of my favorite places:

(I think it worked- I'm a Tuscany nut...)

Monday, July 03, 2006

to begin

Here we all are setting up our blogs; I'm quite delighted, as I've been wanting to experiment with blogging, but as with so many things, I've not seemed to find the time to do it.